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Arranging Flowers (1890)
. Arranging Flowers (1890)
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. Apollo and Daphne (1908)
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. At Capri (1890)
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John William Waterhouse: Cleopatra - 1888 John William Waterhouse: Cleopatra - 1888

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Now is the time for drinking, O my friends!
Now with a free foot beating the earth in dance!!
Deck the couches of the gods!
with Salian feasts! before this day

it would have been wrong to bring forth!
our Caecuban wine from the cellars of!
our ancestors, while a demented queen!
was plotting to destroy the Capitol!

and lay waste the Empire!
with her contaminated crew of followers!
polluted by disease--she, weak enough!
to hope for anything and drunk

with the delights of her hitherto good fortune.
But her frenzy diminished when
but a single galley escaped the flames
and Caesar sobered her mind,

maddened by Mareotic wine,
to the fears of harsh reality
pursuing her in his galleys
as she fled from Italy

as the hawk pursues the gentle dove
or the swift hunter the hare
on the plains of snowy Thessaly
to clap into chains the ill-fated monster.

But she, seeking a more noble death,
did not, like a woman, dread the sword,
or search in her swift ship
for some secret hiding place along the shore.

She even dared, with countenance serene,
to behold her palace plunged into affliction
and she was bold enough
to take into her hands

the irritated asps that she might absorb
the deadly venom into her body.
So in premeditated death
fiercer yet she became,

Scorning to be led off in triumph
on hostile Liburnian ships.
She, no longer a queen,
but a woman unyielding, unhumbled.

Horace, Ode 1.37 (on Cleopatra) - Translated by Sidney Alexander

69 B.C.–30 B.C., queen of Egypt, one of the great romantic heroines of all time. Her name was widely used in the Ptolemaic family; there were many earlier Cleopatras. The daughter of Ptolemy XI, she was married at the age of 17 (as was the family custom) to her younger brother Ptolemy XII. The force and character of the royal pair was, however, concentrated in the alluring (though apparently not beautiful) and ambitious queen. She led a revolt against her brother, and, obtaining the aid of Julius Caesar, she won the kingdom, although it remained a vassal of Rome. Her young brother-husband was accidentally drowned in the Nile. She then married her still younger brother Ptolemy XIII, but she was the mistress of Caesar and followed him to Rome; there she bore a son, Caesarion (later Ptolemy XIV), who was said to be his. Returning to Egypt after the murder of Caesar and the battle of Philippi, she was visited (42 B.C.) by Marc Antony, who had come to demand an account of her actions. He fell hopelessly in love with her, and Cleopatra, conscious of her royalty and even her claims to divinity as the pharaoh's daughter, seems to have hoped to use Antony to reestablish the real power of the Egyptian throne. They were married in 36 B.C. Most of the Romans feared and hated Cleopatra, and Octavian (later Augustus) undertook to destroy the two lovers. Antony and Cleopatra were defeated off Actium in 31 B.C., and, returning to Alexandria, they tried to defend themselves in Egypt. When they failed, Antony committed suicide by falling on his sword. Cleopatra, faced by the cold and unmoved Octavian, also killed herself. Her schemes failed, but her ambition, capability, and remarkable charm have left a great impression on history. Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, based on Plutarch, describes the tragic end of the queen's career, and Dryden's All for Love: or, The World Well Lost is a reworking of Shakespeare. Caesar and Cleopatra, the comedy by G. B. Shaw, deals with the early years of her story.

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