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Miss Margaret Henderson (19xx)
. Miss Margaret Henderson (19xx)
Juliet (1898)
. Juliet (1898)
Jason and Medea (1907)
. Jason and Medea (1907)
Cleopatra (1888)
. Cleopatra (1888)
Arranging Flowers (1890)
. Arranging Flowers (1890)
09.21.2003 - jwwaterhouse.com version 3 is released with many updates. While some functions remained in progress at the moment. Here are some of the significant new changes:
  • New Server! - Greatly improved speed and up-time
  • New 2004 Wall Calendar - Shipment just in! Now available.
  • New Dot Menu Site Map - A very cool and nifty way of navigating the site...just in case you get lost!
  • Added Scrollable Dynamic Calendar - Allows for you to go back and forth to previous months or next months. A printer-friendly version is in progress.

pinky and the brain I think so, but... uh... something about a duck. - Pinky grey line
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